Sunday was a fun day in the sun with a bike. Papago park was the scene for TBAG hosting a BBQ and PBP was invited to set up and showcase bike polo.
This was one of the busiest days ever. Up at 3am, drove to Tucson for the bi-annual bike swap meet. This is an event destination. The in entire 4th ave block is closed for this. Lots of goodies sold , traded, and bought. It's good to hang with MT. He has a nose for finding the deal of the century.
Then hauled ass back to Phx for the Tbag BBQ by 2pm with bikes and gear, to share our sport with noob friendlies. And it was good. Girls/women played, laughed and had fun along with some very good seasoned mountain bikers. Felt bad for one Mtb'er, back wheel came loose and broke derailleur hanger, done for the day. But he had a huge smile on his face. Good enough for me.
I had just finished a new polo build and brought it for testing. It got a full day of borrowed use. Solid at the end of the day. Me happy.
All types of bikes were represented. Tandems, Unies, Mtb, Fixie, Comfort, Road, Cruiser, Handmade tall, Loungers, Touring and more. Two guys on handmade tall bikes even tried their hand at jousting. Crazy.
This was also a first for PBP and AZHC. Noobs out numbered vet players easily 2:1. Did I mention this was on grass, with pbp grass style mallets and ball. I am sure everyone had a super good time. Thanks for the host organizers, TBAG, Mike Tretter for bringing the gear bag, goals and extra bikes. Mailman Jay and Piranha#1 for your good tutoring and extra bikes. Dus for being the polo ambassador. Good food, Excellent keg beer, and friendship.
Looking forward to Tbags next adventure. Thank You !!
JB the NOD
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