Seven players showed up to play some grass polo. What started out to be a nice evening, ended with thunder storm and rain. We completed two games and with the first lightning strike, got the flock out of there. Golf shafts and lightning don't mix.
Justinrunns rolled into our games too. He had just gotten back from LA and stopped by for some polo.
Even though MiniMike is my family and Grandson, I hate him. When he is on his game, you cannot keep him from scoring. With his 70 yard sprints, and tic tac ball control at the goal, he is amazing. We all try, but few succeed.
Justin rides fixed gear. And does very well. He keeps getting better and better. Thanks to all who came to play and weather the storm.
Team#1. Mailman J. Justinrunns, JimP. and Me
Team#2. MiniMike, Piranha#2(AJ), and Mike T.
JB the NOD
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