
Well, Justin asked for it, and got it. $2.00 throw in mini-tourney bike polo match. And it was a blast. If you wanted to play, put in your two bux, throw your mallot in the pile, and randomly toss 3 per team in piles. Surprisingly there were 5 teams for double elimination bracket play on a monday night, and dozens of spectators. The final outcome surprised us all. Once your team was randomly selected, you stayed with that team to the end. Piranha#1, aka: Jacob Boyd, Davy Carfax, and Greg, won it all!! Holy crap!! My eleven year old grandson was fer sure mvp of the match. His dad, Mailman Jay was very proud, as well as everyone there. They lost one game in semi's and won the last two games in sudden death back to back. Davy had two coast to coast scoring runs too. And had a rear blow out that sounded like a gun blast that got everyones attention. Then finished on a borrowed bike. Truely, these guys beat some of Arizonas best.
Jacob also got tangled up with Davy, went down, handle bar to sternom, 15 people to his aid, got up, no tears, and continued to rip it up.
I think this is going to be a bi-weekly thing till the Deset Polo Invite in Feb. This is not only way fun, but a good way to boost your skills and kick the level of play up a notch. For two bux, the winners each got $10.00. How bout that?
See ya Wed. on the grass.
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