18 people showed up to play tonight. It is good to see that night time play is alive and well.
We made the decision to split into 3 teams of 6 each, with 15 minute periods or first to 5 pts. The best play yet. 6x6 is still alot of bikes on the field at a time but better than 18.
We found the games more intense with a sense of urgency once scored upon. They went quick and the first 3 games everyone won and everyone lost. Very even picks.
PBP roster: Jay, Jim, Mike T, Troy, MiniMike, Jacob, AJ, Tommy, Tracy, Matt, Monica, Adam, Jeff.
AZHC roster: Dustin, Joe, Chris, Mike, Chad.
And all stepped up and delivered some amazing action once again. One quote of the evening, "Grass Bike Polo is a good training ground for hardcourt" I agree, cross training only makes you a better all around player.
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