This evening we celebrated 2 birthdays. Mike Tretter(34) and Michael Boyd(20) Thanks to Tracy for the cupcakes and cards, we sang Happy birthday with guitar background noise and had a great time.
Mt and MiniMike are two of our veteran players. Michael started playing bike polo at 10 years old. WOW how time flies. Happy birthday Boys !!
Thirteen freekin players. With 7 on 6, it gets a little rugged around the edges. 26 wheels, 13 sticks and one ball. Jim said it best. " With so many players, I kinda hold back to be safe ". I agree. It really gets crazy. If it continues to grow, maybe we should consider smaller teams and lower total points.
MiniMike flatted again. Broken valve stem. Tracy had the crash of the evening. Troy took out our only female player. Last I saw was her in a Superman pose coming off the bike. Photo op?
Our young guys were amazing too. They played hard, scored, defended and yet safe. Difficult to do with so many bikes.
Team#1: Tommy,Troy, MT, Piranha#1, Eric and Mooky
Team#2: Jay, Jim, MiniMike, Piranha#2, Tracy, Marco, and Me.
Whew !
Only played two games. Long games. Tiring games. Felt good games.
Probably gonna play this Sunday at 1pm
Photos: Tracy and Thomas, MiniMike and MT
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