Troy said it, and it was a beautiful Arizona evening. Especially with 10 of the best Bike Polo players around. Evenly matched teams played 3 HARD games, One even went to 15 points. There were several crashes. I think all went down('cept me) at least once. Some lots. Piranha #2 slid down on the top tube, and felt a little man pain. For a 10 year old to say he just crushed his n##s, must have been painfull. Mooky gets the honors though. Spectacular, in-your-face, knee draggin', butt kickin', flip-flop dive in the grass. Got up, brushed off and played, hard. Big Tim, you would be proud of your Bro.
Gas being what it is, Thanks to all for coming. MT, hope to see you soon. Get well.
The Sergeon General has determined that Phoenix Bike Polo is good for your health.Team#1: Jay, Piranha#1, Piranha#2, MiniMike and Me.
Team#2: Troy, Tommy, Mooky, Lil' Anthony and Crazy Ivan.
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