Thursday, May 1, 2008

testing, one two three, testing...

testing the new Phoenix MTB Polo Blogger!!!


bikerflex said...

Let me be the first. As a veteran Phoenix MTB Bicycle Polo player, I am looking forward to adding game recaps and photo's to this blog. We have over 10 years of history, with several vets and at times 3 generations on the playing field at a time.
Welcome to our world

bikerflex said...

Sunday, May 11th, Mothers Day, 5 brave males neglect their moms and hit the polo field. After 3 games, the team of Jay, Mooky, and the Pihrana dominated Me and Big Tim.
Ya gotta love 20yd wind sprints for a couple hours.
Next game...Wed.May 14th at 7pm
Anyone is welcome with a bike, helmet,and water. Even the Tucson boys.