Saturday, October 24, 2009

PBP Going to Missouri

TEAM: " What Just Happened "

Mailman J (Jason Boyd)
MiniMike (Michael Boyd)
Troy Hacker

TEAM: " Phx Who? "

Mike Tretter
Justin Balderson
Jeff Boyd

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Wednesday, Oct. 21 2009 Grass Polo Fun

Nine players tonight. Dus, Chad and SteveAZ, showed up to endure 40min games to 10. The regular PBP folks, Mailman Jay, Piranha#1(Jacob) Mooky(Adam), Big Mike T. MiniMike and Me, thrashed around till 11pm or so, and finished 3 games. Nice weather, 60 deg or so in the pit. If MiniMike is generous and passes often, we can win. If he is not, he can score at will. Amazing bike and ball handling skills. We often look at each other and say "What Just Happened". We've been at this for 13 years and never boring.

Great night of grass bike polo again. Only one taco wheel (sorry Steve), no injuries, No interruptions from the Dog Folks, or hookers. It was good.

See you Sunday at 1pm, at Baseline and Hardy. HARDCOURT !

Team#1: MiniMike, Mooky, Piranha#1, Chad.
Team#2: Mailman Jay, Big Mike T. Dus, SteveAZ and Me.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday noght Hardcourt Polo Oct 2009

Big crowd tonight. Lots of speed, accurate shots, some back handed, tied games. If only we had video's of when we first started.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sunday Oct 11 Polo at the New Court in Tempe

9 showed up to break in the new court that Joe Ramus found at his apartment complex. It is pushed way back in "No Mans" land between the freeway and the canal. Lots of parking, an extra wide court with no nets or obstructions of any kind. Only problem is, it has no lights. We will consider this a work in progress.
As it stands right now, pick up games Sundays at 1pm. Baseline and Hardy in Tempe.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wed. Oct. 7th 2009 Wet grass and new players make it happen

9players tonight. 5 on 4 makes everyone step up and contribute. 4 games played, and everyone a close call. The last game went to 15 for the win.

Steve came to play for the second time, and in no time will be very good. Riding a bike with one hand and swinging a mallot with the other, takes a bit to accomplish. Once you figure it out, great fun follows.
Team#1 Mailman Jay, MiniMike, AJ and Me.
Team#2 Mike T., Tommy, Jim P., Adam and Steve.

Jacob a speedy recovery(a cold) and Tracy missed you. Troy out, sick too. Matt, too much work.

Rumor has it that 6 of us are going to Columbia Mo. Nov. 7th for the Midwest Polo Tourney. The list of teams going is long. I keep you up to date.
We are looking for our own place to play hardcourt polo. One that is legit and works for us. The City Parks Dept. would rather build usafe skate and water parks for its community, than a well controlled multi purpose roller rink. Old tennis courts work too, but No Bikes signs litter that idea too. The fight continues!