Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, Oct.22nd I Was Right !

Wednesdays are alive and well for bike polo. 11 crazy MoFo's showed up and 3 hard games were played. As usual, no matter how we split teams it's pretty even. Tommy and Tracy brought new friends, and I think we have at least one convert. The Piranha, #1 and #2, played on the same team and together. If you think you are safe with an easy breakaway, think again. I've seen them both run someone down and make an unbelievable play. Come see for yourself.

Wednesday night polo is outstanding fun. With a lighted wiffle ball, a few mallots, bikes, and some good friends, we may be playin for another 10 years.

Team#1: Jay, Crazy Ivan, Mooky, Jim, Lil' Anthony and Me.

Team#2: MiniMike, Tommy, Tracy, Piranha#1 and #2

Photo's at the polo park and a Sunday ride. Me (Grandpa Jeff) Piranha#1 and #2.

Thanks Mike for bringing the gear, even though Uncle Insite made you work tonight.

Thanks Jim for buying the brew after.


Monday, October 20, 2008

Sunday, Oct. 19th Sharing the Field

The Cricket players were there first. So we adapt, overcome, and play-on. After a very nice conversation with our friends, they were more than willing to share the field. Playing the width is a totally different game. To score, you are on the hill in first gear. We have done this before. You old Veterans know exactly what I mean. But fun non-the-same.

Because of other commitments and obligations, Sunday play is postponed till more interest in daytime play is there. Wednesday's though are a different story. Plenty of hard core Bike Polo to be played.

6 players Sunday:

Team #1: Jay, Piranha #1 and Me

Team #2: MT, Piranha #2 and Mooky.

Thanks Mike for draggin the gear bag around. And the use of Mike's Automotive Shop.

See ya Wed. the 22nd.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Wed. Oct. 1st. Not Enough To Play

Bad news: We are sad, no polo. Guess I'll drink beer instead.
Good news: Some are healthy, some have good bikes, transportation, gas money, and all looking forward to the next game.
It's all good !
We'll see ya Sunday at 6pm
Wednesday eve, Oct.1, Crazy Ivan's(aka: Anthony Maldonado) mother, Cecilia, passed away. A very sweet lady, will be missed by friends and family. I know all of us will think of them in our prayers.