I am glad I brought my camera. Jim P. showed up in the daylight hours. No one would have believed me with out proof. It was a miracle. And it was good !
9 showed up, and those that didn't, I know, wanted to be there. Troy, Big Tim, Tommy, Piranha#2 and #3, we missed ya.
Aside from a brake cable on Jay's bike(very important around the Evil Grate) no major repairs needed. 3 very close games, but the team of Jay, MT, Mooky, Lil' Anthony, and me won all three. Jim P. MiniMike, Tracy, and Piranha #1, rode to perfection, but came up short. Next time, revenge !
Wednesday, the 20th is our next game. Thursday the 21st I'll be 58. Can I retire then ?
Keepin' it fun and young......JB