Monday, August 25, 2008

Summer Time Blues

Game times, Wed, August 20th....Sunday, Aug. 24th... No polo !

Weird times. Travel, Sickness, Work, Family issues, are all part of our bike family. I hope everyone is good, healthy, and return soon.
Image #1....ME!
Image #2, #3...our last game

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sunday, August 17th A Daylight Miracle

I am glad I brought my camera. Jim P. showed up in the daylight hours. No one would have believed me with out proof. It was a miracle. And it was good !

9 showed up, and those that didn't, I know, wanted to be there. Troy, Big Tim, Tommy, Piranha#2 and #3, we missed ya.

Aside from a brake cable on Jay's bike(very important around the Evil Grate) no major repairs needed. 3 very close games, but the team of Jay, MT, Mooky, Lil' Anthony, and me won all three. Jim P. MiniMike, Tracy, and Piranha #1, rode to perfection, but came up short. Next time, revenge !

Wednesday, the 20th is our next game. Thursday the 21st I'll be 58. Can I retire then ?

Keepin' it fun and young......JB

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Wednesday, Aug.13, 2008 A Record Night to Remember

Unbelievable ! 14 Polo players showed up, played, had a great time and no one got hurt. A record number for a Wednesday night. After a brief pep talk with our youngest players about safety, 3 games were played. And played hard. Needless to say, as a veteran player(and I mean veteran) I am very proud of our boys and girl. They are smart but fearless, safe and yet very aggressive. It's good to be part of the gang.

Team#1- Jay, MT, Piranha #1 and #2, Tracy, Crazy Ivan, and Jim.

Team#2- Troy, Big Tim, Mooky, Lil' Anthony, Tommy, MiniMike and Me.

Whew! See what your missing? Gooood Gamin'.

See ya Sunday the 17th at 6pm. Hope those Cricket guys don't show up.


Monday, August 11, 2008

Sunday, Aug. 10th. 2008 The "Evil Grate" Vomits

There is a reason it is called "Desert Storm Park". Freeway run-off. The park is 50 yards from the 51 freeway, and water is literally blown from street to park in heavy monsoon rains. So consider what gathers in a drain system for months of dry season. Besides 9 old polo balls, glass, paper, tire shrapnel, car parts, bike parts, medical gloves, general crap, one poor RAT was unfortunate to have taken up residency there. The park is approx. 150 yards long. Stuff was scattered to the far end of the field. Me, the Piranha, MT, and Jay picked up and cleaned up as much glass and junk as we could.

We played. 8 cyclists endured the smell, heat, humidity and fear of the flat tire.

Bicycles are an amazing thing. We punish, abuse, trash, neglect, ride like Hanns, and they keep coming back for more. 3 games played. I think we all had fun.

See ya Wednesday at 7 pm

PS. Images are MT tapping up a glow stick. And the Evil Grate Spews.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wednesday, Aug. 6th, 2008 Monsoon Mayhem

All the Stars were out tonight. 12 players came to do battle. There is so much talent, it is hard to pick teams. When ya start looking at each players skills; Speed, Ball handling, Defence, Trash talk, Scoring ability, Passing, Team work, and enough GAS in the tank to hang for 4 games, well, difficult to say the least.
What an awesome problem to have. It's good to be back. Missed everyone.
Team #1: Troy, Tomster(the Lyons den), MiniMike, Piranha#1(Jacob), Mooky, Lil' Anthony
Team#2: Jay the Mailman, MT, Big Tim, Piranha#2(AJ), Piranha#3(Leo) and Me
If you could see 19 year old MiniMike in action, you would not believe it ! What he does on a bike is totally unbelievable. He is left handed and plays lefty. He blew a tire late in the evening. I gave him my righty, and you would never know he was wrong handed. Domination extroidinair.
Sorry to miss the cool and refreshing adult beverages after. Taxi service and all. Next time. Peace..................JB

P.S The image is of "MiniMike,Piranah#1,#2,and #3.